Back on the early morning of 25 September, Nixill messaged me a photo that they’d just taken. They’d ridden their bike up to the location of an interesting pedestrian bridge. It spans the intersection of Groesbeck Highway and Masonic (13½ Mile Road) in the northeastern suburb of Fraser, in the middle of an industrial district spanning both sides of Groesbeck. The closest residential area is about 500 feet to the east, and the closest schools are Arts Academy in the Woods and Emerson Elementary over half a mile to the west.

In 2017, the Michigan Department of Transportation considered demolishing the bridge, citing its age and lack of ADA compliance. (It’s one of only a few extant local pedbridges I can think of that has stairs, rather than some sort of ramp.) Fraser City Council members acknowledged that it isn’t heavily trafficked, but said it’s in good condition and provides an important alternative to crossing the seven-lane Groesbeck Highway at-grade, so the bridge stayed.